I get over 35,000 hits a day though mostly because people come for the free stuff. Of course I offer my consulting and training services there as well. I run a very successful website on the Internet, it's one of the most popular, there are hundreds of free tips, tricks, articles and techniques. And during that 5 years I also became the Technical Lead for FileMaker Pro working with development team and all sorts of people to make a better product basically. They're really the same company but Claris used to have a whole bunch of products like Mac Project, Mac Draw, Mac Paint and they got rid of those to focus in on the FileMaker product line. Now Claris is the company who owned FileMaker before FileMaker Incorporated. In the beginning of my career I started at Claris Technical Support, I worked there for 5 years. At the time of the recording there was no FileMaker 12 certification exam but there will be and I'll take it and hopefully I'll pass that. There is several hundred questions, it's very rigorous and there's only a couple of thousand people in the world who actually pass it. I'm certified with FileMaker 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and the certification test is a test that's created by FileMaker Incorporated to test your skills as a developer. I've been developing and training exclusively with FileMaker Pro for 20 years, no other products, just FileMaker Pro. So let's take a look at some slides so you can learn a little bit about me.
I want you to feel confident that the skills taught in this tutorial will help you become a successful FileMaker developer. My name is John Mark Osborne and I want to tell you a little bit about myself so you know an expert is teaching you about how to use FileMaker.